You’ve likely heard that dark chocolate has health benefits, but did you know it can help reduce those anxious feelings?

To get the full benefits, it is important that the chocolate contains cacao in its purest form. Sorry, milk chocolate lovers, but the amount of sugar and processing of your chocolate is just not gonna do the trick.

I want to take a moment to give an overview of cacao, the bean of the fruit tree from which your chocolate comes.

Cacao is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoid compounds with the following benefits:

  • Reduction of cortisol, a stress inducing hormone your body produces.
  • Theobromine, an alkaloid in the plant similar to caffeine, creates a euphoric feeling that comes from the body producing more of the neurotransmitter anandamide (interestingly enough, “ananda” = “integrated consciousness” or “bliss” in Sanskrit)
  • Decreased insulin resistance
  • Improved allergy and asthma symptoms
  • Migraine relief
  • Cardiovascular health
  • The list goes on!!

Cacao also contains magnesium, which is key to controlling anxiety. Some of the accompanying ingredients in this recipe include magnesium, zinc, iron, B vitamins, and other antioxidants as well.

Cacao, Cocoa, and Carob – What’s the difference?

Cacao, the raw form, can be separated into cacao butter and cacao powder. It contains the most antioxidants. It is not processed by heat, so most of its health benefits can be found here. Cacao contains Theobromine, a milder form of caffeine, which can drive euphoria. Cacao is more expensive, but try buying in bulk at

Cocoa is a processed form of cacao due to the roasting process called “dutching” with an alkalizing agent, commonly potassium bicarbonate. Dutching reduces acidity and smooths flavor, but reduces beneficial antioxidants by about 60 to 90 percent. That said, it is less likely to break your bank account.

Carob, cacao’s caffeine-free cousin, is an alternative to cacao for those sensitive to caffeine or Theobromine. It is slightly sweeter than cacao or cocoa. Carob is lower in fat (we want fat, folks!!) and higher in sugar and carbohydrates. And while it contains some vitamins and minerals, it lacks the antioxidants of cacao.

Bring awareness to your experience of preparation and consumption. This helps to bring calmness and presence to your whole self.

Conscious Mayan Chocolate


1 c. of cacao powder (cocoa or carob are alternatives)
1 c. of oats or amaranth
1/2 c. coconut oil
12-16 pitted dates depending on the size
1-2 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 tbsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp sea salt or pink Himalayan salt
Pinch of cayenne

Notes: Chia seeds can be found in most grocery stores now and maca powder can be found in health food stores like Whole Foods. Don’t get turned off by the price tag. If you look to them as household staples, it is quite a minimal investment for the great health benefits they offer. Chia seeds are both rich in magnesium, zinc, and iron and are a great friend to your digestive system.

I encourage you to experiment with other natural sweeteners (dates, figs, honey, molasses, etc.). Honey will lead to a firmer consistency than dates. You can also experiment with adding other seeds and nuts–almonds are a nice addition, as they are a healthy fat which contain oodles of magnesium, zinc, and other goodies.


1) Combine the dates and coconut oil in a bowl and let sit. Note: I have been known to add a dash of rum to this mixture on occasion.

2) Take cacao powder, oats, cinnamon, sea salt, and cayenne and blend in a food processor until the oats are mostly pulverized. Remove from food processor and place in a separate bowl. Note: If no food processor, a blender will do the trick with some maneuvering.

3) Place dates and coconut oil in the food processor and blend until smooth.

4) In a large bowl, marry the date/coconut oil blend with the cacao mixture. Add chia seeds and slowly fold all ingredients together. You can use a spoon, but I find it much easier to knead it with my hands.

5) Once evenly blended, begin molding the dough into small balls of Conscious Mayan Chocolate. You will likely end up with around 25 little orbs of consciousness depending on how big you make them. They can go in the fridge, freezer, or your counter top. I sold these while living in the heat of Tulum, Mexico, so I kept them in the freezer, but they are fine on the counter in a cooler climate.


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