Looking for a new comfort recipe to nourish this season?

I invite you to try this African Groundnut Stew inspired by West African flavors and recipe variations. It’s a simple, hearty dish that your whole family will love it…provided there are no peanut allergies.

Yes, the term groundnut is often used to refer to the peanut, which is said to have originated in South America and was later brought to Africa by colonists. Yet, the groundnut in traditional African Groundnut Stew is a different legume indigenous to Africa called the Bambara Groundnut.

We’ll be using peanut butter (and peanuts as an optional addition) for this recipe.

I’d like to first elaborate on the importance of grounding foods at this time of year.

If you’re living in a four-season climate in the northern hemisphere, chances are temperatures are dropping. The crisp air and blustery winds are your cue that it’s time to turn inward and cozy up with warm foods.

In sharing this recipe, I’ve reflected on the principles of Ayurveda, yoga’s “sister science” that is considered to be one of the oldest healing systems and seeks to balance various energies and facets of one’s biological and energetic constitution.

While I’m not an Ayurvedic practitioner, I do believe much of the wisdom of syncing with nature and seasonal cycles that I’ve learn from my teachers can be beneficial and support a state of balance and harmony.

Since this is a cold, dry, rough, windy, and unstable time of year associated with the Ayurvedic principle of “vata”, foods that are warm, cooked, moist, hearty, and grounding are said to be most supportive in encouraging physical, mental, and emotional balance.

This recipe incorporates Ayurvedic food guidelines by using seasonal root vegetables and greens, oils, nuts, mild spices, and grains that are favorable to the vata constitution.

African Groundnut Stew

Prep time: 10-15 minutes
Cook Time: 50 minutes
Serves: 4-5


  • 2 c. rice or quinoa (for serving)
  • 16 oz. can crushed tomatoes
  • 5 c. veggie or chicken broth
  • 5 c. sweet potatoes, cubed
  • 1 large bunch collard greens, coarsely chopped
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 1 c. peanut butter, crunchy preferred
  • 3 T. olive oil or ghee (clarified butter)
  • 2 T. ginger/garlic, minced
  • 1 T. chili paste
  • 1 T. turmeric
  • 1 T. cumin
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cilantro and peanuts to garnish (optional)


  1. In a large pot, saute ginger, garlic, and onion in olive oil on medium-high heat until onions are translucent and slightly browned.
  2. Add broth, sweet potatoes, cumin, chili paste, turmeric, and salt. Bring to a boil; then reduce to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Stir in peanut butter and crushed tomatoes. Simmer for an additional 20 minutes.
  4. Mix in collard greens. Allow to sit for 5 minutes.
  5. Serve with rice, quinoa, or grain of choice.
  6. Garnish with cilantro and/or crushed peanuts.

Savor slowly and share!